The Moving Image Source Calendar is a selective international guide to retrospectives, screenings, festivals, and exhibitions.
Descriptions are drawn from the calendars of the presenting venues.

Cinema Ritrovato
June 28-July 5, 2008 at Cineteca di Bologna , Bologna
The 22nd edition of Il Cinema Ritrovato will provide an array of unknown, little-known, rediscovered, and restored films. Once again, this means an overwhelming collection of themes, protagonists, and territories of 20th-century cinema believed lost. Our pleasure dome will give its due share to everyone: historians and archivists, those obsessed with stars, "auteurs" or genres, film technology lovers and aficionados of erotica. The glory of the unexpected crosses all programs: our 1908 series as well as our selection of 1950s CinemaScope, silent and sound films, avant-garde and popular cinema.
Featured Works:
Selected Works
Po zakonu (Lev Kuleshov, 1926) [Live musical accompaniment, With Ekaterina Khokhlova in person (nephew of the director)]; The Docks of New York (Josef von Sternberg, 1928) [Live musical accompaniment]; Blackmail (Alfred Hitchcock, 1929) [First screening of the new score composed by Neil Brand, With the Orchestra del Teatro Comunale directed by Timothy Brock live]; Shangai Express (Josef von Sternberg, 1932) [With Nicholas von Sternberg in person (son of the director)]; Le Schpountz (Marcel Pagnol, 1938) [With Nicolas Pagnol in person (nephew of the director)]; Le Amiche (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1955) [First screening of the new restored version by the Cinematheque of Bologna in collaboration with The Film Foundation]; Lola Montès (Max Ophüls, 1955) [First screening of the restored French version]
Avant-Garde Evening
L'Assassinat du Duc de Guise (André Calmettes, 1908); Le Ballet mécanique (Fernand Léger, 1924); Entr'acte (René Clair, 1924); Opus 1 (Walther Ruttmann, 1926); Motion Painting n°1 (Oskar Fischinger, 1947)Joseph von Sternberg, Not Only Dietrich
The Salvation Hunters (1925); Underworld (1927); The Last Command (1928); Thunderbolt (1929); Morocco (1930); Dishonored (1931); An American Tragedy (1931); Blonde Venus (1932); The Scarlet Empress (1934); The Devils Is a Woman (1935);
Ritrovati & Restaurati
I Lifvets Vår (The Springtime of Life, Paul Garbagni, 1912); Gli Ultimi Giorni Di Pompei (Eleuterio Rodolfi, 1913); The Dawn of a Tomorrow (James Kirkwood, 1915); ‘A Santanotte (Elvira Notari, 1922); La Piccola Parrocchia (Mario Almirante, 1923); Love Affair (1932); La Bandera (Julien Duvivier, 1935); In Which We Serve (Noel Coward and David Lean, 1942); Topaze (Marcel Pagnol, 1951); Sound Barrier (David Lean, 1952); Seul ou avec d'autres (Denys Arcand, Denis Héroux and Stéphane Venne, 1962); La Rabbia (Pier Paolo Pasoli, 1963); Herzog Blaubarts Burg (Michael Powell, 1964); The Changing Village (Gamperaliya, Lester James Peries, 1965); Good Times, Wonderful Times (Lionel Rogosin, 1966); Louis Lumiere (Eric Rohmer, 1968); L'Udienza (Marco Ferreri, 1971); Man of Cinema: Pierre Rissient (Todd McCarthy, 2007)
Program information: