The Moving Image Source Calendar is a selective international guide to retrospectives, screenings, festivals, and exhibitions.
Descriptions are drawn from the calendars of the presenting venues.

Chantal Akerman: Moving Through Time and Space
May 2-July 6, 2008 at MIT List Visual Arts Center , Cambridge, Massachusetts
The MIT List Visual Arts Center (LVAC) is pleased to present Moving Through Time and Space, the first museum survey exhibition featuring the works of filmmaker and video artist Chantal Akerman.
Featured Works:
D'est: Au bord de la fiction (From the East: Bordering on Fiction, 1995, pictured); Sud (South,1999); De l'autre côté (From the Other Side, 2002); Là-bas (Down There, 2006); Les Femmes d'Anvers en Novembre (Women of Antwerp in November, 2007)
Related Articles:
Bordering on Fiction by David Schwartz posted Jul. 02, 2008