The Festival Whirl
Good to see someone take a hard look at the film festival circuit. It has changed greatly over the past 15 years or so.
One festival which is still serious about cinema and does a great job for the films, the industry guests and the public is Karlovy Vary.
Alas not too many Americans are running to see films from the former USSR, Eastern Bloc countries or their amazing archives. Thus the work of the new generation in all these countries is hard to distribute here, and not well known.
After many years of festival going, I really prefer ( when possible) the smaller more specialized ones like KV -- where you can still find some gems.
wb22 posted 08.09.09
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Cannes Film Festival | Toronto Film Festival | distribution | cinephilia | film criticism | Sundance Film Festival | Berlin Film Festival | Venice Film Festival | academia | Jeonju Film Festival | globalizationTHE AUTHOR
Richard Porton is one of the editors of Cineaste in New York. He is the author of Film and the Anarchist Imagination (Verso) and the editor of two forthcoming anthologies, On Film Festivals (Wallflower Press) and Arena 1: Cinema and Anarchism (PM Press).
More articles by Richard Porton
Richard, what a thoroughly compelling and informative essay. I hope I can write like you when I grow up! I was especially intrigued by your experience with your jury experience with audiences trained to sit through credits. Imagine!! Having just come from TIFF myself, such behavior would be like a breath of fresh air.
Maya posted 27.09.09