Looking Up
Arguments in favor of bigness
by Michael Koresky and Jeff Reichert
posted Nov 10, 2011
Fighting Words
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 12, 2014

Fighting Words, Part 2
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 20, 2014

On the Margins: The Fil…
by Andrew Chan
posted August 12, 2014

Robin Williams: A Sense…
by David Schwartz
posted August 12, 2014
Omar Sharif and Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia, directed by David Lean
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Looking Up

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More articles by Michael KoreskyJeff Reichert is co-founder and editor of Reverse Shot, as well as the director of three films: Gerrymandering (2010), Remote Area Medical (2013), and This Time Next Year (2014).
More articles by Jeff Reichert
This is just trite film/lit theory, filtered through very primitive minds like Bazin and Koolhaas, one who theorized in the 50's, the other reached his peak in the 90's. The only discussion is neurological (it's not even an issue for psychology, the data has evolved), and only cognitive scientists who study motion are applicable. Save the mumbo jumbo for academia. This is the real world, guys.
slime_whitman posted 12.12.11