All Things Shining, Pt 2
Well done. I love this movie. I show it in my A.P. English class every year and the students write about the theme of longing as well as the themes of sin and damnation as you nicely point out in this video essay. I also like your interpretation of the role of nature in the film. Nature is indifferent to the things that, as you aptly put it, "just happen," and what happens is just a very small part of the universe Malick depicts.
Interesting how Days of Heaven ends by echoing the river/camping sequence in Badlands (and it sure looks like the same location). Both respites in nature are ended by violence.
Looking forward to The Thin Red Line and The New World.
Hokahey posted 12.05.11
Fighting Words
by Imogen Sara Smith
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Fighting Words, Part 2
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On the Margins: The Fil…
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Robin Williams: A Sense…
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All Things Shining, Pt 1 by Matt Zoller SeitzEnglish Speakers by Bilge Ebiri
The Shadow Army by Michael Atkinson
All Things Shining, Pt 3 by Matt Zoller Seitz
All Things Shining, Pt 4 by Matt Zoller Seitz
All Things Shining, Pt 5 by Serena Bramble and Matt Zoller Seitz
More: Article Archive
Matt Zoller Seitz is a writer and filmmaker whose debut feature, the romantic comedy Home, is available through Netflix and Amazon. His writing on film and television has appeared in The New York Times, New York Press, and The Star Ledger, among other places. He is also the founder of The House Next Door, a movie and TV criticism website.
More articles by Matt Zoller SeitzAuthor's Website: The House Next Door
Matt, Even though we haven't seen TREE OF LIFE yet, I have a feeling much of what you speak about in these three, thus far, essays, will ultimately be reaffirmed when we do see it. And even expanded on or directly addressed. And I think at the very least, but really especially, these essays and anyone who see's them will find they accent Malick's work perfectly, and after we see TREE OF LIFE perhaps, for lack of a better word, uncannily.
Beachtree Manningcroft posted 14.05.11